Sherwood Forest Faire - logo
Celtic Tickets Available!
Located 35 Miles East of Austin, TX
Sherwood Forest Faire - logo
Tickets Available Now!

Located in McDade, TX

35 Miles East of Austin


Over 150 Shows Per Day
Over 170 Artisan Booths

Live-Action Role Play

with Faire Play Adventures

Live-Action Role Play

Faire Play Adventures is a Live Action Role-Playing game that will take place entirely at Sherwood Forest Faire. Players will assume the roles of characters who will face a wide variety of challenges in order to defend the realm or further the agenda of their chosen faction. 

Conflict resolution is either narrative or card based. No boffer swords required. 

Players will interact with many of the colorful characters of our cast, even some of the most influential such as the Dastardly Sheriff and possibly even King Richard himself! 

Some adventures will take you to areas of the Faire that aren't normally accessible to patrons. Experience the Faire in a whole new way! 

Many of our stories will be played out in a single day but there are also plots that will span multiple events. A few will unfold over the course of the entire Faire. Every day will be different. 

Tickets are available now. We are limiting each day to 48 participants to ensure that we have the staff to provide the best possible experience.

In order to play, you'll need the following two items:
  • A ticket for the day you wish to play 
    • $20 per day
    • Reservation required because space is limited
  • A Character Package
    • The Silver Package allows you to choose from a list of archetypes.  The price is $20. 
    • The Gold Package allows you to design a custom character and choose your own skills. The price is $50
Characters can persist day to day and even be played in future Sherwood seasons, so this is a one-time purchase unless you wish to create additional characters.

Both packages come with a badge and the cards you need to play.

You can buy your ticket and character package on the day of the event but we strongly recommend that you obtain both in advance, especially if you are developing a custom character with the Gold package.

Faire Admission is not included in LARP pricing.

Check out our Facebook page for news and updates or our Faire Play Players Group for more about how to play and what to do.

See you at the Faire!
*** You need a Day Pass AND a Character Package to play! Faire Admission is not included in LARP pricing***
Purchase a Day Pass Purchase a Character Package
Do you have questions before you buy?  Contact
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