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Located 35 Miles East of Austin, TX
Sherwood Forest Faire - logo
Tickets Available Now!

Located in McDade, TX

35 Miles East of Austin


Music Shows

Over 150 Live Performances Per Day | Over 170 Artisans

Over 150 Shows Per Day
Over 170 Artisan Booths

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Live Music Throughout the Faire

Sherwood Forest Faire is proud to have so many wonderful musicians join us every year. Some of them roam the lanes and you never know where they'll be. Others have scheduled shows in one of our performance areas. A few do a little of both! Your admission includes these delightful performances, so keep your ears open for the sounds of lutes, bagpipes, drums, and more.

The shows on this page are primarily musical in nature. For the rest of the lineup, please visit our list of Action Shows.

Music Overview

Various Artists (changes year to year)

Pub Sing 

Various Sherwood Performers

Drunken Sailor

The Pirates of Sherwood

2025 Musical Lineup

Alan a Dale

Sherwood Players Cast Show - Especially great for kids!

Hey KIDS! Robin Hood's trusty troubadour, Alan a Dale, plays ballads of adventure and daring-do at The Faery Forest Stage, trumpets for the Joust, and goes a-luting with the Merry Band all throughout the woods. He also serenades the dancers at Sherwood’s Courtly Dancing show at the Castle during the big Parade!

Andrew McKee

Master Albrecht Catsprey

Mar 1 - 9, 29 - 30 & Apr 12 - 20

A true Medieval maestro, Master Albrecht Catsprey has been gracing the stages of Renfests and Medieval Faires for many seasons. Master Catsprey will astound you with his impeccable renditions of complex tunes during his solo sets at The Rose of Aquitaine Tasting Tavern. You’ll also find him performing with Sherwood’s court dancers and sitting in with other musical acts throughout the day.

Andrew McKee

Amanda Kitchens' Carnival of Sound

Amanda Kitchens has performed at Faires and Stages for over a decade. She sings in ten different languages and wields an accordion: the passport to see the World through song! Whether it be a Balkan wedding song or an upbeat original, you may find yourself with the uncontrollable desire to dance when you hear her and her dynamic stage show at the Elven Hill Stage, and enjoy occasional guest appearances by the amazing dancer Kimberly Larkspur!

Andrew McKee

Andrew McKee roams the stages and lanes of Sherwood Forest, playing Irish music and jamming with friends. He and Alan a Dale will host an evening show at The Three Stags Pub. And on our final two weekends, Andrew will join Marc Gunn for 4 special performances as the Brobdingnagian Bards at The Three Stags Pub!

A.S.L. & DeafBlind Weekend

Mar 28-30

In an effort to share the enchantment of our forest with more folks, we gather volunteers from all over the country to interpret and co-navigate curated schedules of shows and activities during our 5th weekend. Everyone deserves the chance to be enriched with the magic and joy we create together here at Sherwood Forest Faire! If you pay close attention, you'll see staff and cast members signing, too!

Check out the SUPPORT logo on bespoke wooden pins for interpreting volunteers and supporters of all signing abilities donning blue & white ribbons.

The Bedlam Bards

The Bard Renard

New this Season!

The Bard Renard brings a whimsical whirlwind of musical mayhem and historical hijinks to Sherwood Forest! With her velveteen voice and instruments both historical and unknown, the bardess brings you music from a bygone era. Sit with her at the Horseman Stage and other small venues, letting yourself be transported to a world of knights errant and maidens fair, kings, queens, and nonsensical tales of medieval life.

The Bedlam Bards

The Bedlam Bards

Adults only for 30-Dirty shows 

Join Hawk and Cedric for some ribald chuckles and fine Celtic music at The Three Stags Pub at their 18-and-up 30-dirty shows. You'll also be able to catch Hawke for an all-ages show at the Horseman Stage.

The Bedlam Bards

Brobdingnagian Bards

Apr 12 - 20

The Brobdingnagian Bards, a fine Celtic duo, once performed all over the known world. Now reunited, Marc Gunn and Andrew McKee play for you again on Sherwood's 7th and 8th weekends at the Three Stags Pub.

Buckler & Dirks

Mar 8 - 9

The Traveling Troublesome Troubadours (TM) known as Buckler and Dirks have been sighted walking the King's Road to Sherwood, in spite of royal decree! Keep an ear out for these musical rakehells; ye may be sure the Sheriff of Nottingham will! Seek them out at The Lionheart Tavern or catch them on the lam in the lanes of the faire.

Danse Macabre

Witness an eerie sight as these specters from beyond the veil wind through Sherwood Forest Faire each day to remind us that we are all mortal and united in the Danse of Death. “As we are, so shall you be!”

Drum Jam with Joachin

Follow the sound of drums to the Seven Sisters Sacred Stone Circle. Joachin holds drum circles throughout the day with an epic Drum Jam near the day's end. Bring your own drum and join in!

Emlyn Drake

Emlyn Drake has been studying violin since the age of three, and while she is classically trained, she has a particular fondness for Celtic fiddle. Her repertoire includes Irish jigs and Scottish airs, as well as a few theatrical favorites. Emlyn will be playing and dancing near the Jousting Arena so keep your ears open wide, and when your feet start moving - just let em!

A photo of Emlyn Drake posing with a violin in front of a cozy-looking fireplace.

Felipe The Serenader

Limited Engagement

A romantic Spaniard who serenades ladies and couples in hopes of earning a few doubloons. Find him with his yearning Spanish Guitar on Sherwood's smaller stages or out and about busking the lanes.

Filipe Sanchez

The Great Antone

This nomadic musician of distant Darbukistan plays drums for the Joust, Parade, and Castle Siege at day's end. Also, look for The Great Antone playing Bouzouki at The Villager's Square Stage.

Gunnar Sølberg

Absent Apr 12 - 13 

Gunnar Sølberg plays upbeat traditional music to warm the heart on his old-world mandolin. Find him at The Horseman Stage and other small venues around the village most days of the faire.

Gunnar Solberg

The Hands of Fatima

Hands of Fatima belly dancers spin, sway, and swirl for you as their ensemble of vagabond minstrels translate these alluring dances into song. Just follow their magical rhythms to the Elven Hill Stage.


Spring Break Weekend- Mar 21 - 23

Istanpitta performs early music on Medieval instruments, including traditional Middle Eastern dance tunes. Join this lively trio, led by the incomparable Al Cofrin, at The Lionheart Tavern! Lord Cofrin shall also play the Rose of Aquitaine tasting tavern as a solo act on numerous other weekends. Come kick off the season with tastings and tunes in Madam Ghislaine's open-air tavern behind Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem Pub.

Saxon Moon

Kimberly Larkspur and Friends

Slip up to Hill Haven Hookah and you'll find Kimberly Larkspur dancing between gently glowing coals in a whirl of silk, flashing blades, and bubbling humor accompanied by the sounds of some of the finest musicians in the realm.

Klaus Wieland

Klaus Wieland, once an up-and-coming star of the German folk-rock scene who “disappeared” to India at the height of his stardom, has turned up in medieval Nottingham at Sherwood Forest Faire. Klaus holds court daily at his family shoe shop, Medieval Moccasins, not far from the Joust Arena.

Lady Prudence, Court Composer

Apr 19 - 20 

Lady Prudence is in a perpetual state of picnicking and welcomes you into her character-driven, interactive musical circle of jaunty whistle and sprightly ukulele in a continuous show for all ages.

Marc Gunn

Apr 12 - 20 Also performing with Andrew McKee as Brobdingnagian Bards

Marc Gunn, the “Celtfather”, returns to Robin Hood’s forest with his autoharp for the final two weekends of the faire. Hear Marc's colourful wisdom of all things Celtic, Comic, and CAT; and enjoy his rare performances with the Brobdingnagian Bards!

Marc Gunn

Master “Bones” Jangle and the Voodoo Island Cannibals

Master Bones and his crew of hungry head-hunters shall serenade you with Celtadelic pirate jam music every day of the festival at The Argosy Stage over by BrouHaHa. Come join in the feast - the water’s fine!

The Bedlam Bards


Born right here at Sherwood in 2023, Texas-based Norðanfólk explore Norse mythical and cultural themes through a mix of spirited originals and well-known Nordic folk favorites. Featuring traditional instruments such as the tagelharpa, kravic lyre, and hurdy-gurdy, Norðanfólk layer hypnotic rhythms with complex vocal harmonies in Norwegian, Icelandic, and Old Norse.

Opal and Jade: Off-Colored Treasures

PG and R-Rated shows

Bawdy singing sisters Opal and Jade return to Sherwood this season with their deliciously witty songs of saucy adventures and affairs of the heart at the bottom of the hill inside the Faire’s most intimate bar, The Three Stags Pub.

Piper Gunn

Mar 8 - Apr 20

Piper Gunn follows the path laid down by his Clan ancestor, William Gunn. For over thirty years, Piper Gunn embodies living history as he performs original and traditional pipe tunes in true Highland attire! Find him at the Horseman Stage and other small stages around the village.

Saxon Moon

The Pirates of Sherwood

Sherwood Players Cast Show

The Pirates of Sherwood will be heavin’, haulin’, swabbin’, and scupperin’ to keep the Argosy Stage afloat throughout the faire day betwixt japes of juggling jesters and maelstroms of musical mayhem. Captain “Bullshark” Buckfast, M.C. and his crew of Farcical Seafarers set sail on Sherwood’s most piratical planks as your swarthy hosts, presenting fine entertainment and tickling your funny bone!

Pluma Washby

Wife of Abraham the Rose-seller, Pluma always needs more yarn for the tapestries she weaves as she sings to anyone who cares to listen. Please show her some kindness if you enjoy her songs!

Port O'Thority - Featuring Dame of Drones

Port O'Thority is a musical journey with Celtic, Pirate, and World Folk-influenced music and tales celebrating our past, mourning our losses, and looking forward to who we will become. Come help them celebrate all season long at the Argosy stage or the Lionheart Tavern. Sláinte!

Pub Sing

Near the day's end Sherwood Musicians and other fun characters convene as Sherwood Forest’s community Pub Sing fills Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem Pub with music, dance, and a camaraderie that can be found in no other time nor place. Here’s a Health to the Company!

Richard the Pauper

Richard the Pauper joins Port O’Thority at the Argosy Stage and Lionheart Tavern, bringing a unique blend of traditional folk and world music to their shows. When not on stage, he can be found entertaining passersby with his captivating music in the lanes of Sherwood Forest Faire.

Rover's Way

Mar 1 - 30

With guitar, whistle, bodhran, bass, and vocals by Matthew Young and Keira Rose, join Rover's Way as they bring their love of travel and multicultural folk music to the Lionheart Tavern for Sherwood’s first five weekends.

The Roxlovians

Mar 21 - 23

Ky Hote, the “Most Dangerous Guitar Player”, leads a dynamic Celtic duo alongside a captivating and enchanting mystery fiddler! Allow this caravan of musical talent to cart you away as The Roxlovians, an upbeat jig-weaving duo, put the soul of music in your heart. Join them at the Lionheart Tavern on Sherwood’s 3-day Spring Break weekend.

Scallywags Raks Crew

Mar 1 - 9 & Mar 21 - 30

The Scallywags Raks Crew are a group of medieval belly dancers and musicians! See them sway to the sounds of amazing music and drums at the Three Celestials Stage on four different weekends, including Sherwood’s 3-day Spring Break weekend.

Solar Rain Fire Show

Saturdays between Mar 15 - Apr 19 as well as Sherwood’s Spring Break Friday

Starting on Sherwood’s third weekend, these incredible Fire dancers spin fiery forms in front of Sherwood Castle after the Pub Sing. Don’t miss this incendiary performance near the close of day.

Saxon Moon

Taliesin the Wandering Minstrel

Right out of legend, but never out of legends, father of magical songs and mother of magical spells! Taliesin wanders the inner, outer, and other worlds, hungry for mirth, mischief, and sooth... He can tell you things you never knew about King Arthur because he was there! He wanders here to Sherwood Forest upon his quest to become the king of bards! Find him wandering all throughout the village daily.

Saxon Moon

The Troubadork Show

Apr 12 - 20

TROUBADORK! Tobias the Adequate is now a musician due to a printing error. Oops. Join Tobias for Songs of His People: Geeks, Nerds, and Goofballs! Make your way to the Villagers Square Stage for some all-out Troubadorkery!

The Tulstin Troubadours

The Tumbleweeds

Apr 5 - 20 Now Three Weekends!

These wayward vagabonds deliver a fresh take on Medieval music with traditional instruments and lively rhythms. They'll join us for three weekends this season at the Lionheart Tavern!

Saxon Moon


Apr 5 - 20

Umanistan is a musical collaboration led by Ian J. Everett, from Vana Mazi, and featuring Ram Das, the master of wind instruments from Wino Vino.

They’ve reunited to expand the unique sound of Umanistan. Drawing from Byzantine, Latin, and West Asian traditions, their music blends complex harmonies, evocative melodies, and intricate rhythms. Umanistan’s sound explores time, place, and emotional depth, merging ancient and contemporary influences in a sonic world of profound immersion in the year 1193ii. Catch them at the Lionheart on Sherwood's final 3 weekends.

Vince Conaway

Vince Conaway: Hammered Dulcimer

Vince Conaway, a musician and composer, can be found performing a wide variety of music on his hammered dulcimer at the Three Stags Pub, The Grove Stage, and along the lanes of Sherwood Forest.

Vince Conaway

The Wellermen

Mar 1 - 2  New This Season!

Hold onto your sailor's caps because thanks to Thorin's Mead, viral sensation The Wellermen are performing at Sherwood Forest Faire's 2025 opening weekend!

Famous for TikTok hits like "Wellerman," "Drunken Sailor," and "Hoist the Colors," they’ll bring their sea shanty magic to The Argosy Stage. Join us on opening weekend to welcome The Wellermen in true Sherwood style!


This band of early musicians provides high-quality entertainment guaranteed to leave you "in a good mood," which happens to be the translation of Wolgemut! Find them performing at The Lionheart Tavern all season with their repertoire of uplifting early music, and some really snazzy Medieval outfits…

Worthy Waites of Whimsey

Apr 5 - 20 

Hear ye! Hear ye! Behold the return of Worthy Waites of Whimsey at The Three Celestials Stage on Sherwood's Final Three weekends. This early-music wind-and-cello ensemble are right at home here in the Middle Ages. Tarry awhile to enjoy their melodies and let your cares waft away on the breeze.

Music sampler from days gone by

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
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With over 150 shows per day and more than 170 artisans offering distinctive wares, there's something for everyone at Sherwood Forest Faire!
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