Sherwood Players Cast Show - Especially great for kids!
Hey KIDS! Robin Hood’s trusty troubadour, Alan a Dale, plays at The Faery Forest Stage and all around the village.
with Brobdingnagian Bards Arp 23 – May 2
Andrew McKee roams the stages and lanes, playing Irish music and jamming with friends. On our 6th and 7th weekends, Andrew will join Marc Gunn, for 4 special performances of the Brobdingnagian Bards!
Apr 3 – 11 & May 1 – 23 - Adults only for 30-Dirty shows
Join The Bedlam Bards for some unrefined chuckles and fine Celtic music at The Three Stags Pub for their 30-dirty 18-and-up shows. You’ll also catch them at other small stages around the faire!
Apr 23 – May 2 - Reunion
Once upon a time… Brobdingnagian Bards, a fine Celtic duo, performed all over the known world. Now reunited, Marc and Andrew play on Sherwood’s fourth and fifth weekends at the Lionheart Tavern.
Apr 3 – 11 - Now at the Greenwoode Theatre
The CRAIC Show always brings a fresh, high-energy blend of World Medieval Music. Come hear them for yourself on Sherwood’s first two weekends at the Greenwoode Theatre.
Follow the sound of drums to the Seven Sisters Sacred Stone Circle. Ben Jammin holds drum classes throughout the day, and a Drum Jam near day’s end, which culminates into the Solar Rain Fire Show.
The Dublin Harpers family band is made up of kids, young adults, and a very cool Mom and Dad who design and build their own instruments. They make music together every day at the Lionheart Pub!
Limited Engagement
Ermagerd the Bard presents serious history and silly songs. Live animal noises may occur and old dead languages may come to life. Come sing along with this Medieval Encyclopedia of Bardic knowledge!
A romantic Spaniard who serenades ladies and couples in hopes of earning a few doubloons. Find him with his yearning Spanish Guitar on stages like the Three Stags Pub and busking the lanes.
Limited Engagement
Gunnar Sølberg plays upbeat traditional music to warm the heart on his old-world mandolin. Find him at the Horseman Stage, sharing his wisdom and the stories of the ancients through music and song.
Apr 3 – 4
Ky Hote, the “Most Dangerous Guitar Player”, and Michelle Alany on fiddle team up for a weekend of Gypsy Rox, an upbeat jig-worthy duo that will put the soul of music into your heart…
Apr 3 – 11 & May 1 – 23
Hands of Fatima belly dancers spin, sway, and swirl for you as their ensemble of Bohemian minstrels translate these alluring dances into song. Just follow their magical rhythms to the Elven Hill Stage.
Apr 3 – 11 & May 1 – 23 - Now at the Elven Hill Stage
The inheritance embodies the spirit of the Romani people as they’ve inherited their music from all over the world. Find them on Sherwood’s first two and final four weekends of the faire at Elven Hill Stage.
May 8 – 23 - New this Season at the Lionheart Tavern!
Istanpitta perform early music of the 10th to 14th centuries, including traditional Middle Eastern dance tunes. This lively trio, led by the incomparable Al Cofrin, play a variety of Medieval musical instruments.
Apr 3 – Apr 25
The Jackdaws return to the Elven Hill Stage for Sherwood’s first four weekends. More Irish than a drunken row, and a darned site messier! Meet the Jackdaws for a rowdy-good time at the top o’ the hill.
New this Season!
Lady Prudence is in a perpetual state of picnicking and welcomes you into her character-driven, interactive musical circle of jaunty whistle and sprightly ukulele in a continuous show for all ages.
Apr 23 – May 2 - Also playing with Andrew McKee as Brobdingnagian Bards
Marc Gunn, the “Celtfather”, returns to our forest with his autoharp for two weekends. Hear Marc’s colourful wisdom of all things Celtic, Comic, and CAT, and enjoy rare performances with the Brobdingnagian Bards!
Now all season at the Greenwoode Theatre
Master "Bones" Jangle and his cannibal crew have moved down to the Greenwoode Theatre after too many people went missing from their last stage. Come lend an EAR… if you’ve got the GUTS!
Opal and Jade, the bawdy singing sisters, return to Sherwood this season with more witty songs of saucy adventures and affairs of the heart – now at the bottom of the hill at The Three Stags Pub.
Find Erik Teixeira, international man of mystery, and his oud (Middle Eastern lute) at the Puffin Coffee and Hookah Lounge and at various stages around the village every day of the faire.
Steady as She Goes! Visit the Highlands with the dulcet and robust sounds of the Scottish bagpipes. Hear Piper Gunn at the Horseman Stage and Marching the high roads and low roads of Sherwood Forest.
New This Season!
Wife of Abraham the Rose-seller, Pluma always needs more yarn and thread for the tapestries she weaves as she sings to anyone who cares to listen. Please show her some kindness if you enjoy her song!
Apr 3 – 25
Singing songs that are Irish… and songs that wish they were Irish! The Pride of Ireland brings his own signature show to the Three Stags Pub, Lionheart Tavern, and other venues for our first four weekends.
This year at The Elven Hill Stage
Near the end of the day, musicians and the fun-loving people of the village convene at the Elven Hill Stage, right across from Ye Olde Trip the Jerusalem Pub to celebrate with song and dance. Join us!
Apr 3 – 4
With a HEAVE and a HO and WAY HAUL AWAY, let us welcome the Rambling Sailors! Lady Susan’s siren voice and Cap’n Gregg’s squeeze box will take you on a musical journey worth scribing in your log! Ahoy!
Sherwood Players Cast Show
See Shakespeare at The Three Celestials Stage and The Villager’s Square Stage like you’ve never seen Shakespeare done before, and never will again, delivered in 20 minutes or less or your next play is free!
Apr 17 – 25 & Cameos possible on the 1st two weekends
Dressed in kilts and suggestive smirks, Tartanic gives its audiences a barrage of sound with the HOTTEST of Highland drums and bagpipes. Sherwood Forest Faire welcomes Tartanic BACK to the Elven Hill Stage.
When Giacomo the Jester takes a break from juggling, he straps on his guitar and keeps bringing smiles to your faces with a little help from his friends in Tip the Velvet, playing original and traditional songs.
This Medieval trio of merry minstrels cannot make up their mind which instruments they like to play the best, so they just play as many as they can get their hands on! Harps, bagpipes, recorders, and more!
Under the Royal Sun: Come join the band! The beauty of music and the grace of mercy can transcend the struggles and maladies of life. “All are welcome; we hope you’ll play, sing & dance.”
Valére (Pronounced Vahl-áir) is the royal troubadour of the French Court. He loves to sing songs of love, of loss, and of lessons. This tranquil guitarist roams Sherwood, always ready to inspire and to be inspired.
Apr 10 – May 16
Vince Conaway, a musician and composer, can be found performing a wide variety of music on hammered dulcimer at the Three Stags Pub, The Grove Stage, and along the lanes of Sherwood Forest.
Now all Season at the Lionheart Tavern and the Greenwoode Theatre
Wolgemut provide high quality entertainment guaranteed to leave the audience "in a good mood", which happens to be the translation of Wolgemut! Be sure to stop by and see them at the Lionheart Tavern and Greenwoode Theatre.
Music sampler from days gone by